
When searched something in school

Orientation  Last week my friends and I got an English assignments, to find bottles, woods, chairs, photo frame, that didn't fit into their places. I was out from the classroom with my friends. There were also our friends who split up to look for the items. Event 1  After out from the classroom, I saw a lot of items. I saw Wantheng and Naswan took pictures of the chairs that were lying around. I just walked around and looked for other things. When I was almost to the canteen, I heard the sound of applause from classroom A104, maybe they were celebrating something or appreciating their friends who were presenting. Event 2  Finally to the canteen, I met Mr. Suryadi. After that I bought food and drinks there with other friends. There we ate and joked together. After eating, me, Yosa, and Fadhil, looked for their stuff. We walked until in front of the cooperative there was a pile of woods, which didn't belong there, so we took a picture and went back to class. Event 3  W...

Not every blue, is cool

Identification     Judging from it's form, waste is often defined as materials or materials that have been used and no longer provide benefits. Final waste handling is carried out depending on the characteristics and category of each type of waste. Such as plastic waste and paper waste. Description  Trash cans are seen in SMK Negeri 4 Semarang, there are many of them. The bins are also big enough to accommodate the garbage around them. The area around the bins also looks quite clean.  There is some inorganic waste visible in the bin. Plastic waste, or plastic pollution, is the accumulation of plastic objects (e.g. plastic bottles, etc.) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitats, and humans. Paper waste is any form of paper that's no longer usable and needs disposing. It's essentially the kind of material we'd class as crap paper. For example it could be old newspaper, bills, or letters. It needs to be free from contaminan...


HALOOWW SAHABATKUU, SELAMAT DATANG KEMBALI DI BANG VINO, DON'T WORRY BE SMART. Okee kita kembali membuat blog padaa pelajaran english ini. Nah di pelajaran english pada kali ini membahas banyak hal. Mau tau aja? read and learn😎. A. PTPK (People Things Place Condition)    1. People: Orang hilang (pengumuman)                              Korban kecelakaan (berita)                                Periksa ke dokter (medis)    2. Things: Barang jualan (iklan)                                            Barang hilang (pengumuman)                            Review barang (review)    3. Place  : Wisata (iklan, review)    ...

Descriptive Text

  YOWWW SELAMAT DATANG KEMBALI SAHABATKU. Gimana apakah kalian menunggu blog-blog dari aku? HAHAHAHHA. Okee english is backk di semester 2 inii, tentu saja banyak materi-materi baru yang diajarkan. Nahh pada kesempatan kali ini aku mempelajari descriptive text, gimana sih cara aku memahami descriptive text? Simak pembahasan ku yaa!!  1. Pengertian Descriptive text adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan tentang tempat, hewan, orang atau benda tertentu secara detail. Tujuannya membuat pembaca seolah-olah merasakan atau memahami objek yang dijelaskan.  2. Struktur      1) Indentifications adalah penempatan identitas subjek atau objek pada suatu saat tertentu.     2) Descriptions adalah penggambaran dengan kata-kata jelas dan terperinci.     3) Conclusion (opsional) adalah hasil akhir berdasarkan uraian yang sudah dijelaskan dari sebuah tulisan.  3. Language Feature     Setence Structure yaitu teks yang meliputi SVOMPT:   ...

Final Boss😱🔥

 HELLO GUYSS!!, WELCOME BACK WITH BANG VINO, DON'T WORRY BE SMART. How are you guyss? all good? Today I did a summative assessment. This is the final of English learning. So we were asked to answer the questions given by Mrs. Yuni, there were 20 questions, but Mrs. Yuni just took 10 questions at random. My Question number is: 1. Number 2 2. Number 4 3. Number 8 4. Number 10 5. Number 11 6. Number 13 7. Number 15 8. Number 16 9. Number 17 10. Number 20 This is the link to my video, which I uploaded on YouTube okay, thank you everyone who has read, thank you also to Ms Debby and Ms Yuni who has guided us until now. See you next time, thankyou and peace out🔥🔥

Last Blog🤩🔥

 HALO HALO HALOOO SAHABAT KUUU DARI SELURUH PENJURU DUNIAA. WELCOME BACK WITH BANG VINO, DON'T WORRY BE SMART!!!. Ini adalah blog ku pada hari Selasa, 8 Agustus 2023. Sekaligus penutup dari every blog pembelajaran english kuu yeyy🎉. Okay tapi kita tetap bahas materi nya yaa hahahaha. Belajar dengan Ms Debby lagi, membahas tentang "Suggestion, request, instruction". Jadi kita diajarkan untuk berbicara tentang suggestion, request, dan instruction. Kita juga disuruh untuk berdialog lagi dengan 3 istilah itu. Menurutku materi ini cukup mudah. Materi ini juga hampir sama dengan asking and giving information 👍👍.  Alright guys.. kita sudah sampai di penghujung acara *azekk. Yes exactly, kita harus berpisah dengan english, blog, dan sekaligus dengan Ms Debby yang sudah mengajarkan kita materi english dari awal dengan sabarrr terus ceria juga. Ms Debby juga orangnya baik sekali, semangat terus ya ms, semoga kedepannya kita bisa bertemu lagi lalu belajar english bareng lagi hehe...